Exam details

On the exam day, you will have 30 minutes to answer 10 questions. Each question is worth 1 mark.

If an accommodation* is granted, an extra 50% time will be applied, and you will have 45 minutes to complete the exam.

* An ‘accommodation’ is any modification made to tests or testing conditions to allow students with disabilities or limited English-language ability to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a testing situation. Please ask your course Instructor to request a special accommodation prior to starting the exam should you require one.

The grades for the exam are as follows:

  • Pass = Greater than or equal to 70% 
  • Minor Discrepancy = Greater than or equal to 50% but less than 70%
  • Major Discrepancy = Less than 50%

About the exam

Information about the exam is provided here, including the number of questions, grades and how to request additional time (which is known as an ‘accommodation’).

Once you have finished reading this page, click next to see how you will access the exam.